Historical Religious Sites in Egypt

Religious History in Egypt

Egypt has a magnificent religious history over decades, it started with the ancient Egyptians who were the most religious race who believed in God.

Over time, Egypt was pleased by different holy figures who visited and settled in Egypt, the most important was the passage of the Christian Hole Family “Jesus and holy Mary” through the Egyptian lands to hide from the Herodias king.  

Prophets of God Settled in Egypt

  1. Abraham
  2. Moses and his brother Aaron
  3. Daniel
  4. Joshua bin Nun
  5. Dhu al-Kifl
  6. Idris

Islamic Architecture in Egypt

Islamic architecture

In 642, Egypt joined the Islamic Caliphate, and since then the Islamic signature was etched in Egypt.

Majestic mosques, castles, and palaces have been built in the Islamic style.

After that Egypt became recognizable for its stunning Islamic architecture, and people who value architectural beauty come from around the world to visit Egypt for enjoying the architecture’s details.

Itinerary of the Holy Family in Egypt

The itinerary of the holy family consists of 25 spots extent of 3,000 km. along the way from Sinia to Assiut. The holy spots are remarked with churches, monasteries, or water wells.

Important Holy Spots to Visit

  • Hanging Church (Coptic Cairo)
hanging church in egypt

it’s one of the most important religious sites in Egypt that was constructed on the ruins of the Holy

family’s shelter. It was founded at the end of the fourth century and it’s considered the first Church built in the basilica style. In addition to its unique architecture, it has the Apostolic See which has been relocated to the Church.

– It will be a great experience to try, besides there are other important religious sites around the Hanging Church such as Amr Ibn Al-Aas Mosque, Ibn Ezra Jewish Synagogue, St. Mina Church, Martyr Mercurius Church, and other Churches. 

  • Abu Sarga Church:

It has unique colorful decorations on its walls and marble columns in basilica style. The cave that sheltered the Holy family during their visit to Egypt exists in Abu Sarga Church.

  • Church of the Virgin Mary in Maadi:

the Holy family settled in it for some days, and from there they crossed the Nile in a small boat to continue their journey.

Religious Sites in Cairo

st. george church in egypt

1- St. George’s Church

It’s a Greek Orthodox Church founded in the tenth century inside the Babylon Citadel in Cairo. It’s considered the only rounded Church in Egypt in addition to its unique Greek architectural style, you will be surprised by its beauty in real life.

Bab zuweila in egypt

2- Bab Zuweila

It’s the biggest Fatimid gate in Cairo and the most astonishing gate among other gates. Bab Zuweila has witnessed important historical executions such as the suspension of the heads of the Hulagu’s messengers when they came for threatening Egyptians. In addition to the execution of the last of the Mamluk sultans to announce the ending of the Mamluk state and the beginning of the Ottoman state.

3- Mohamed Ali Mosque

mohamed ali mosque in egypt

Mohamed Ali Mosque is located inside the Castle of Salah El-Din which has the longest minarets in Egypt a height equal to 84 m. The mosque was built in the Turkish style, consisting of a square area covered by a huge central dome surrounded by four small domes. In the copper tower of the mosque, there is a precious watch that was donated by Louis Philippe “king of France” to Mohamed Ali Pasha.

4- Ibn Tulun Mosque

ibn tulun mosque in egypt

Ibn Tulun Mosque is listed among the most prominent religious landmarks in Egypt. It preserves its elegant design and stubborn architecture that hasn’t been renovated since its construction.

St. Catherine’s Monastery Story

st. catherine monastery in egypt

Saint Catherine was raised in a pagan nation who wasn’t believe in Jesus, but Saint Catherine believed in Jesus and became Christian. There were nearly 50 scientists turned into Christians because of her faith, so the emperor ordered his soldiers to execute her. And the Monastery was built to hold her mortal remains in it. 

St. Catherine’s Monastery is considered the oldest Monastery in the world and is managed by Monks belonging to the Greek Orthodox Church.

It’s located at the bottom of St. Catherine’s Mountain, and it contains 19 Churches and a Fatimid Mosque; one of these Churches” the burning Church” is where Allah (the God) talked to Prophet Moses.

Holy items in St. Catherine

  • Moses Well
  • Moses Tree
  • Manuscripts Library 2nd the largest Library after the Vatican
  • Distinctive archaeological tower for bells
  • Mortal remains of all Monks who live there

When coming to Egypt, don’t forget to ask about the nearby religious sites of your tour, you won’t regret the experience.

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